Monday, March 22, 2021

Ask Lisa Is Here!

 Happy first day of Spring! Something new is blossoming here at "Ask Lisa, " my monthly advice column, has a new home. Our first column, 'Mourn with Those Who Mourn," posts today. Let me know your thoughts, and please tell others about "Ask Lisa." 

Disclaimer: "Ask Lisa," though fact-based, is primarily for entertainment purposes and is not intended to take the place of certified legal or personal counsel.

Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Dear Lisa,

My close friend lost his mom about a month ago. Because of the coronavirus, they had a graveside service but no funeral. I went by his house to check on him after the service. We sat on his deck and were socially distant. My boyfriend said I shouldn't go over there anymore because the mourning period ended when his mother was buried. Do you agree?

Trying to Be a Friend

Dear Trying to Be a Friend,

Since we are all on the Covid time continuum, who's to say when a

 mourning period ends? Visitations, funerals, and memorial services have all changed for pandemic safety. 

I think your boyfriend is correct that the official mourning period usually ends upon burial, but I see no harm in checking in with your friend at least once a month. If possible, ask him to meet you at a nearby park for a 30-minute walk and talk. I think any friend would appreciate that kind of thoughtfulness.