Thursday, May 20, 2021

To Sell Or Not to Sell

 "Ask Lisa's second online edition posts today, and is titled, "What is he selling?"

Dear Lisa,

My boyfriend just got a job selling cars in a large city. He likes the job and the money. I'm happy for him, but I'm worried. Whenever I've shopped for a car, the salespeople seem to flirt  a lot. I wonder if this job might cause him to cheat on me, but I don't want to bring it up because he might think I'm jealous of his new job. Should I say anything?

Worried About Cheating

Dear Worried,

You didn't mention how long you and your boyfriend have been together, but even that's no indicator of whether or not he would cheat, especially if he's prone to be a cheater, or if  he has history of cheating. 

I think you should have a conversation with your boyfriend. Tell him you're happy about his new job, but you are concerned that he might be tempted to be unfaithful and why. What you or I might consider flirting could be what some in the sales profession would just call, "selling." Realtors, retailers, and others who work in sales and marketing might agree with them.

Ask your boyfriend to make sure all of his customers know that the cars he sells are available, but he is not.