Thursday, May 20, 2021

Wait to Date?

Ask Lisa

Dear Lisa,

I've tried many of the popular dating sites and gotten lots of dates. I haven't spent as much time on dating apps since the pandemic started. My best friend and her boyfriend say I shouldn't date until the pandemic is over. Should I wait to date?

Waiting to Date

Dear Waiting to Date,

Your friends' advice is, unsurprisingly, spoken like someone who's already in a relationship.

Assuming you're old enough to date, I see no harm in corresponding with potential dates and taking your time to decide if you'd like to go out with someone new in a few weeks or so. Pandemic restrictions are being lifted, but it's still a good idea to practice Covid hygiene safety.

In addition to remaining Covid cautious, always remember to meet your dates in a well-lit, public place, ideally, mid-afternoon versus midnight, and always let someone know where you will be. Keep yourself safe.